
Queues are a fundamental data structure used extensively in programming for managing data in a particular order. The order is typically First-In-First-Out (FIFO), but variations exist. Queues are used in various applications, including process scheduling, breadth-first search in graphs, and more.

graph LR;
    A(Front) --> B[Element 1]
    B --> C[Element 2]
    C --> D[Element 3]
    D --> E(Rear)

Overview of Queues

  1. FIFO Principle: In a standard queue, the first element added to the queue will be the first one to be removed, much like a line of people waiting for a service.

  2. Basic Operations:

    • Enqueue (or offer): Adds an item to the end of the queue.
    • Dequeue (or poll): Removes an item from the front of the queue.
    • Peek (or front): Returns the item at the front of the queue without removing it.
  3. Implementation: Queues can be implemented using arrays, linked lists, or specialized queue data structures provided by many programming languages.

  4. Usage: Queues are used in scenarios like breadth-first search in graphs, CPU task scheduling, and handling requests in web servers.

Queues are better implemented using linked lists than arrays, as linked lists provide constant time for enqueue and dequeue operations, while arrays may require shifting elements to maintain the order, or wrapping around it.

Types of Queues

  • Simple Queue: The standard FIFO queue.
  • Circular Queue: A more efficient queue implementation using a fixed-size array and two pointers.
  • Priority Queue: Elements are added based on their priority, and the highest-priority element is removed first.
  • Double-Ended Queue (Deque): Allows insertions and deletions at both the front and the rear.

Common Operations and Their Big O Notation

Operation Time Complexity Comments
Enqueue O(1) Adding an item to the rear is usually a constant time operation.
Dequeue O(1) Removing an item from the front is also a constant time operation.
Peek/Front O(1) Accessing the front element without removing it is constant time.
Size O(1) Keeping track of the queue’s size is typically done in constant time.

Advantages of Queues

  • Orderly Processing: Ensures that data is processed in the order it arrives, which is essential in many applications like BFS.
  • Efficiency: Basic operations have constant time complexity.
  • Versatility: Variants like priority queues and deques have a wide range of applications.

Disadvantages of Queues

  • Limited Access: You can only access the front (and rear, in deques) elements, limiting certain operations.
  • Fixed Capacity: In array-based implementations, the queue can run out of space (though this can be mitigated with dynamic arrays or circular queues).


  • Breadth-First Search (BFS): In graph algorithms, queues are used to hold the vertices to be processed next.
  • CPU Scheduling: In operating systems, queues manage the tasks to be executed by the CPU.
  • Asynchronous Data Transfer: Queues are used in scenarios where data is produced and consumed at different rates (e.g., IO Buffers, pipes, file IO).

Understanding queues and their efficient FIFO processing characteristic is important for solving many algorithmic problems and for system design. Their straightforward implementation and usage make them a popular choice for managing ordered data.

Code Representation

import (

// Queue represents a queue data structure.
type Queue struct {
  items *list.List

// NewQueue creates a new empty queue.
func NewQueue() *Queue {
  return &Queue{items: list.New()}

// Enqueue adds an item to the back of the queue.
func (q *Queue) Enqueue(item interface{}) {

// Dequeue removes and returns the item from the front of the queue.
func (q *Queue) Dequeue() (interface{}, error) {
  if q.IsEmpty() {
    return nil, fmt.Errorf("queue is empty")
  item := q.items.Front()
  return item.Value, nil

// Peek returns the item at the front of the queue without removing it.
func (q *Queue) Peek() (interface{}, error) {
  if q.IsEmpty() {
    return nil, fmt.Errorf("queue is empty")
  item := q.items.Front()
  return item.Value, nil

// IsEmpty checks if the queue is empty.
func (q *Queue) IsEmpty() bool {
  return q.items.Len() == 0

// Size returns the number of items in the queue.
func (q *Queue) Size() int {
  return q.items.Len()